Monday, January 28, 2008

The one I settled for finally..

Well choosing your first car is as complicated as choosing the right girl for you.. There are tons of features and qualities to look out for. Some have beautiful smile, long tempting hair, seductive eyes, protruding lips, or the jawline to give you dips, or for those who can think beyond the chassis and bumper there is sense of humor and wits, and for the audiophiles there's always the laugh and the tone that might cheer up a heavy day. But then its optimally said that beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. So its totally personal what sets your nerves on fire. Yeah I am very much talking about a car till now.

For me its surely the wit that matters more than any aesthetics, beauty, cuts and economics. So I decided to test drive my options.

.... and finally went fida over ford fiesta.

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Unknown said...

Hey Akash fiesta will be facelifted Diwali 2008!!

Akash said...

yeah thats right.. It was supposed to be facelifted early 2008 but got delayed.. and I couldn't wait any further.

Anyways I liked it 'coz of it's handling and smooth drive and found it best in the category. Again a personal choice.. :)