Thursday, January 10, 2008

Tata Nano / Jeh, One Lakh Dream Finally came true...

Tata One Lakh Ruppee ($2500) Car was finally unveiled at 9th Auto Expo 2008, today in New Delhi India.

Here are some pics and specs:


* 624 cc engine
* Mileage of 20 kilometers per liter
* Passed full frontal crash test, the offset and side-crash test
* Legroom is expected to be 21 pc more than Maruti 800.
* The car meets the Bharat 3 (Euro 4) emission standards.
* The car that will come in two variants - AC and non-AC
* Will comes a dealer price of Rs one lakh plus VAT and transport charges.
* Commercial launch in mid 2008-09

wait for the full review ...

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1 comment:

jorge said...

أفضل نادي عربي نادي الهلال الحاصل على دوري المحترفين, نادي النصر العالمي اول نادي يتأهل لبطولة العالم للأندية كأس العالم 2010, لمتابعة اخبار العالمي منتديات سعد الحارثي وشاهد مبارياته و الكثير